The dough quiche is often hard and crispy once out of the oven, it is for this reason that only free dough quiche recipes were selected. However if you cook one of these quiches with precooked so soft dough, it will be quite possible to eat.

Quiche without pastry with tuna and tomato

Quiche without dough tuna and tomatoes

Recipe marmiton

3 eggs
– 1/4 l milk
– 20 cl heavy cream
2 tablespoons flour
250 g tuna
150 g grated cheese
3 tomatoes


Quiche without dough with ham and cheese

Recipe marmiton

5 tablespoons flour
5 eggs
50 cl milk
175 g ham
15 g butter
175 g grated cheese
– Nutmeg


Quiche without leek mozzarella dough

quich free pasta

Recipe marmiton

120 gr flour
3 eggs
200 g leeks frozen
1 ball of mozzarella
1 advanced knife chili d & rsquo; Espelette
50 cl milk