The mixed income can avoid chewing and put to rest the jaws, to promote bone healing in the dedicated position. The purees are well recommended in these times.
Avoid passing the dishes under the grill: everything gratin is hard and can traumatize surgical approaches.

Mashed sweet potatoes with coconut milk

puree patate douce

See the recipe on marmiton

1 kg of sweet potato
2 onions
– 20 cl coconut milk
2 bouillon cubes vegetables
– Salt and pepper



Parmentier of duck confit

parmentier de canard

See the recipe on marmiton

4 duck leg confit
– 10 potatoes (bintje)
– 2 onions +
1 minced shallot
10 cl cream
– Salt and pepper
1 pinch of nutmeg



Shepherd's pie Kefta

Hachis parmentier de kefta

See the recipe on marmiton

500 g meat minced beef
6 potatoes
1 onion
25 cl cream
1/2 bunch chives and coriander
2 tablespoons cumin
– 100 grams grated Gruyère